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No More Surprise, Just Facts and Good Music

While the Wednesday Surprise was a good run it just wasn’t parallel with my life. I write when I want to (which is pretty much everyday, though it is not on this site) and I felt that it was constrictive of the actual goal. What is that goal? As far as you’re concerned it is … Continue reading

Surprise! First Post of the New Year! Industrial/Noise Edition!

I hope your holidays, or whatever you may celebrate or choose not to, were fantastic. I, for one, don’t usually enjoy this time of year, the foremost reason being that it is simply a sensory overload (and another is something fucked always seems to happen around this time…this year was boiling water on my foot … Continue reading

The State of a Union

The United States of America is the greatest country in the world, if you ask any American. As an American I have to disagree…Sweden or Norway seems much better. One thing the USA does have is 50 states and each one is very proud to be labeled as such. Indiana, my homeland, is obviously the … Continue reading

Surprise! No More Wednesday Surprise! I Surprise You Whenever I Fucking Feel Like it!

I pride myself on learning, finding, and sharing music that isn’t known to a majority of people. I also pride myself in having my guilty pleasures, though I do not pride myself on using the term “pride myself.” The opening sentence sounds like a douche-y thing to say…bear with me. It is not a pride … Continue reading

For the Love of Everything Sacred, Chode School is Alive Again

In all honesty, I just haven’t had it in me. The thought of writing was a weight on my shoulders and the shit sandwich was not sitting well in my stomach. Nah, man. I’m just going to bed. Sleep it off. I am not the first, nor the last, to get fucked over but it … Continue reading

Mister Buckets and Steven Patrick Morrissey: a History

If anyone finds out that you are a music fan they always pose the question, “What’s your favorite band?” Not only is that question annoying, it is also difficult to pin down. At least for myself, I never think about my #1, if there is one. I merely go day to day listening to whatever … Continue reading

Wednesday Surprise! Wednesday Edition! I Made This Joke Last Week! I’m Good!

If you are a regular reader you know that I hate people. What I hate more is the spineless fucks that seemingly rule our world. I am stewing in a sea of self pity and anger, as you may be able to tell, but also a sea of general WHAT THE FUCK. Anyway, the only … Continue reading

Wednesday Surprise! Wednesday Edition!

As you may have realized I am a bit of a nerd. I was ecstatic to get an email earlier today telling me that I was one of the chosen few to test out the beta version of Scrabble. I’ve had morning wood before but this made my day. Now I only hope that I … Continue reading

Wednesday Surprise! Surprise! It’s Tuesday!

Wow, the Wednesday Surprises have really gone the way of the buffalo lately, huh? Well, to be fair, I have no help in posting these and sometimes things come up. And by ‘things coming up’ I mean stomach flu. Yep, yours truly, Chancellor Buckets, had it coming outta both ends. (Have you ever had clear … Continue reading

Wenesday Surise; Saturday Edition

How about that. I promise something and don’t follow through. Well, I have been busy doing things that I enjoy so I am not giving you a sincere apology. I plan on making it up to you with this music if you could just hold up for a goddamn second. In this last week I … Continue reading